Friday, December 7, 2012

Guide to Business Insurance

Business insurance, as the terms suggests is a type of insurance that will secure various areas of business from collapse. Depending on the policy that you have, several areas of your business organisation will be covered. The type of business insurance that a company chooses will depend on its extent of business, the product that they manufacture or mode of service they deal in. There is a lot that you have to learn about this type of insurance if you are planning to get one.

When buying a business insurance policy, first you need to list the areas of your business that you want to get covered. Then you need to look at the offers of different insurance companies that will give you the coverage that you need. There is no point in getting coverage for areas that you do not need. Make sure that you get an insurance that covers only what you need. It should not cover anything more because with the increase in coverage, the premium rates will also go up.

Depending on your requirement, you can choose property coverage. This will secure the property on which your business operates, the buildings involved, the production facilities and such other things. Casualty policies usually come as a part of property coverage. This will cover up any physical harm caused to anyone within the premises of your business organisation. It can cover both your employ yes and outsiders. This coverage should be taken only if hazardous conditions exist with the premises of your business line.

It is always good to get liability coverage under business insurance. This coverage will cover all claims that occur due to a harm caused by a product of your company or due t the carelessness of your employees.

Another type of cover is business interruption cover where you will be provided financial assistance in the case the working of your business line is halted due to some reason. This will help you get things back on track and to move on with ease. You can opt for commercial auto coverage if you want to get the vehicles used by your company to get insured.

Worker's compensation cover will cover up any harm caused to your employees when working. This will cover death or any physical harm that is inflicted on an employee. Depending on your convenience, you can opt for the premiums to be paid annually or in installments. Choose with care to get the best out of business insurance as it can cause you trouble than good.

Buying A Home: What Is Mortgage Life Insurance?   Where to Find Camera Insurance   Why Get Mobile Phone Insurance   The Role Of Liability Insurance In Home Ownership   Gadget Insurance Cover   Insurance for Home Workers - Do You Need To Look At What You Are Covered For?   

A Brief Introduction to Landlord Insurance

The insurance policy that provides protection to the investment of the landlord is termed as Landlords Insurance. This investment can be any building that is further given on rent for generation of income. The landlord can recover the loss by purchasing an insurance policy. The loss can be caused by any lawsuit or the loss of income by a tenant. All the losses are covered under insurance policy. The landlords are given compensation for any dispute related to legal fees if that landlord has purchased legal expenses as a part of the insurance coverage. The dispute can be between a tenant and a landlord. In case the property becomes inhabitable due to the damage caused to it, the costs of repair as well as the compensation to the landlord for the rental loss during the rebuilding can be recovered from the landlord insurance policy.

There are two types of insurance policies that a landlord can purchase - comprehensive policy and peril policy.

Peril policy - This policy covers only those specific losses that are stated as a covered peril in the policy. For instance, if there is a loss that has occurred due to power failure outside the building and is not listed in the policy, the landlord cannot claim its loss from the insurance company.

Comprehensive policy - It is also known as open peril policy which covers the losses those are not specifically mentioned. For instance, if there is any loss and the policy has not mentioned that particular loss specifically to be excluded, then a person can claim for the recovery of that loss from the insurance company.

There are various landlords insurance policies which include the coverage of the building and the damages caused by wind, hail, fire, smoke, lightening, explosion, damage from an aircraft, riot or civil commotion, damage by vehicles, emergency removal of property and fire department charges etc., but there are some of the insurance companies that limit the coverage to exteriors or interiors of the building which a person must evaluate very carefully before purchasing the policy.

As in the case of any other contracts, the terms and conditions mentioned in the contract of the landlords insurance policy must be read very carefully by any individual and signed carefully in order to avoid any kind of misunderstandings or inconvenience afterward during the claim of any loss incurred. A person should have a clear idea of the coverage of the losses being provided under that particular insurance policy.

Buying A Home: What Is Mortgage Life Insurance?   Where to Find Camera Insurance   Why Get Mobile Phone Insurance   The Role Of Liability Insurance In Home Ownership   Gadget Insurance Cover   Why It's Necessary to Avail Property Insurance   

Grey African Parrots - Why Are They the Most Liked Among All Parrots

Among the most marvelous as well as one of the easiest species of birds to obtain is the African Grey Parrot. Originating right from central Africa, these are definitely extraordinarily clever and best known for their incredible talking as well as cognitive ability. These parrots are prepared for developing a large vocabulary and may even have the capacity to communicate clearly with their masters.

They're just a medium-sized parrot growing to be about 10 to 14 inches long. Presently there are two distinct types of African Grey parrots. The Congo African Grey is literally light colored and it has a red tail. The other type of parrot has a deep charcoal gray that has a maroon tail. Frequently the male is larger in size then the females. Often the males tend to be 12 to 14 inches in length. Although the actual appearances of both genders are the same, Female African Grey parrots normally have a smaller head along with the thinner neck area.

The majority of these birds will need an owner who's able to make a lasting commitment to them. These birds have a long lifespan which enables it to live nearly 60 years. Just because of their particular higher thinking ability, these parrots need to have a holder that's skilled and that can understand their needs. They can easily get bored so, a meaningful simulative and the interactive ambiance is critical. Without having their intellectual necessities met African parrot might twist their boredom directly into behavioral headaches such as feather picking. Seeing that they are such susceptible parrots they may also develop fast behavioral challenges. It's quite possible that just a simple alteration in their very own every day routine as well as their habitat often leads any kind of African Grey parrots grow to be irritable or possibly reveal signs of self applied mutilation. Even while they are commonly very well behaved and turn to be incredibly good pets, these types of parrots do never show up without a couple of challenges. Wild parrots that are undisciplined can usually get easily into trouble. They may perhaps chew on wires or perhaps bite. They pick-up manners rapidly so if you by accident reinforce really bad habits in your African Grey, it's also possible to immediately make them learn good ones.

African Grey pet parrots are excellent pets being very social birds. In the wild they can primarily group with one another. In the care and attention of an owner an African Grey parrot will also adopt this brand-new family into their flock. They have actually been known to cuddle with their keepers. Even though they don't like intense actual physical contact they actually do take joy in petting along with head-scratching. Experience African Grey owners are certainly not put off simply by their own bird's distinct signals of affections. Regurgitation for your Grey can be described as a sign of great appreciation. They might also seek to "kiss" their precious masters on the mouth. Doing this is not really recommended given that the person's mouth bears bacteria that can be hurtful to pet birds. It is also important for his or her proprietors to recognize these bird's needs for a great partnership. African Grey who usually will end up lonely may turn to vocalize exceedingly, pluck their own feathers, or possibly some might learn to bite.

Primarily because of those tendencies, African Grey birds probably are not really good pets in the household who has got children. Their beaks are really strong and hard. Little kids probably will not understand this specific behavior. A lot of these parrots likewise use their own beaks basically as an alternative hand; a method to discover the world.

African Grey birds are hands down packed with charm combined with human like qualities. All those that are fortunate enough to own one would be able to see intellect not likely equaled in many other animals.

Flight Cages For Finches   Parrot Facts for the Young   Parrot Sounds a La Einstein   Bird Breeds Which Can Be Lovely Pets   

Does A Cleaning Business Need Liability Insurance?

A friend of mine was thinking of starting a cleaning business and she asked me what types of liability insurance she should consider. Here's the advice I gave her...

Since she was starting out by herself, she would likely be considered an independent contractor. Contractors need insurance just like any other business that deals with clients and customers, and a janitorial or even a maid type cleaning service needs commercial liability insurance. Determining what level of liability insurance coverage a cleaning business requires varies from state to state, but in general there are a few commonly faced issues.

Considering all the risks faced by a janitorial company helps decide the level of liability coverage needed. A cleaning business needs to protect themselves from damaging a client's property, damaging equipment and vehicles, personal injury, and even from crime. In addition, a janitorial company may consider insuring themselves from other problems such as damage caused by backed up drains and sewers, lost or damaged keys, and damage to business records.

If the business plans to employ others eventually, then more coverage may be needed, possibly even Worker's Compensation Insurance, if you will offer your services in a state that requires workers comp or some form of it. Consider scenaries of an employee damaging an expensive wooden floor, or a dishonest employee pocketing something small but expensive, such as a cell phone or necklace from a client's office. Without liability insurance to cover damaged property, employee theft, etc., a janitorial business could go find themselves on the wrong end of an expensive lawsuit.

To prevent costly out-of-pocket expenses, it is important that janitorial service businesses have liability insurance coverage that meets their needs. The best place to start is usually with a General Liability Insurance policy. In addition to general liability insurance, an umbrella policy may be a good idea for expensive claims that exceed a GLI policy limits.

The best thing to do is contact an insurance company that offers cleaning or janitorial business insurance packages and see what the agent recommends. Many insurers now offer deals that are specific to certain industries, and janitorial services is one of them. You may also want to ask them about getting bonded, which can help you get more clients. In fact, many larger business only let bonded cleaning companies bid on their available contracts, so adding a surety bond into your insurance portfolio is a good idea if you want to grow your business.

Which leads me to all the positive side effects of getting all the right coverage...

Most potential customers look to hire only cleaning companies with adequate liability coverage. They want to know, should damage or theft occur, that their property is protected. Customers also want to avoid costly lawsuits should an employee of a janitorial service get injured on their property. Therefore, a business with proper liability coverage is much more attractive to potential customers than an under-insured on non-insured company. Sharing with potential clients, the amount of liability coverage your janitorial business has, may give you an edge over other companies that lack proper coverage or simply don't advertise it effectively.

While it may seem like a hassle and and added expense to buy insurance for a business that seems as simple as cleaning, it's worth the time to shop around online and compare rates. You may also want to contact you existing agent and see if they offer business insurance and have them put together a quote for you as well. The time it takes is well worth it to protect yourself and your new business.

How an Insurance Company's Internal Control of Reserve Practices Can Maximize Profits   Declarations Page and the Name of the Insured   Strategies of Buying Residential Landlords Insurance With Ease   Importance of Van Insurance Quotes   Best Insurance for Home Workers   Policies For General Contractors   

5+5 = Your Dream

I know your thinking...Okay, 5+5 does not equal 5 so let me please explain. Let's start with a question. How many times have you heard that you need to have a "long term" goal and be focused for the entire length of that "long term"? In this article, I am going to focus on a 5 year goal and explain how you will know if you are truly on track to achieve your 5 year goal in life. In the equation, the answer 5 is your five-year goal and the 5+5 is the underlying secret to attaining that goal.

As I speak with numerous people on a daily basis, I hear their frustration about their goals that they've set and the lack of progress that they have made. As I say, "A mountain is built one pebble at a time and climbed one step at a time."

The first "5" in the equation represents the 5 people that you call our friends, associates, etc. I suggest that you make a list of the 5 people that you associate with on a regular basis, and then take a good look at it to see if they either have goals similar to yours or are progressing towards the achievement of a goal similar to your 5-year vision. A major key to unlock the secret to your future is to be 110% conscious of the fact that you will ultimately become who you associate with.

For example, if you have dreams of becoming healthy and wealthy and your associates are overweight smokers that complain about working one-minute overtime, then I can predict the odds of you being healthy and wealthy is slim to none. Millions of people never attain their dreams, because their "friends" serve as "cement shoes" as they walk towards their goals in life. As I set my goals, I surround myself with people who are on the same path in life that I am on. If you truly internalize this same mindset, then you can achieve your goals in life.

The second "5" in the equation is to take a personal inventory of the last 5 books that you have read or cd's that you have listened to. Just for fun, the next time one of your friends complains about something...ask them what were the last 5 books that they have read or cd's they have listened to. You will get one of two answers: I do not remember or I do not have the time to read. Your last 5 books that you read will determine where your focus or direction is in life. The average person reads 1 book a year after high school, which is the #1 reason why 95% of people are "dead broke at age 65".

Even the greatest computer in the world needs to be programmed in order to perform its functions. We are all designed for greatness, but we need to be conscious of our associations and what we are reading or listening to on a daily basis will decide the level of greatness that we all reach. Decide today to focus on your 5 year goal and realize that your 5 friends and the 5 books/cd's that you listen to will determine if you hit your Why or not. Success is simple, but not easy because it takes the ability to grow, stretch, search and learn to enjoy everyday as you progress towards your 5-year goal.

5 + 5 = 5, give it a try and let me know if it works for you. I can actually predict your results...5 + 5 = Your Dream

As I say,

You must be absolutely clear about your goal and be relentless in your pursuit of Your "WHY!"

Ten Tips for Choosing the Right Direct Sales Company   5+5 = Your Dream   

How to Post an Online Classifieds Ad on Craigslist

Craigslist is one of the world's largest online classifieds website. Online classifieds are a superb way for individuals to post advertisements about almost anything. With the advent of the internet, sites like Craigslist make it extremely easy to reach out to a vast audience without incurring any costs.

If you want to organize a garage sale or sell your old bike, all you need to do is post a relevant ad on this website and offers will soon start pouring in. One of the significant reasons of its success is the fact that it has immaculate segmentation and advertisements can be sorted by location, category, sub category, etc. This gives the user the ability to approach a very targeted and niche audience. You can post jobs and recruit people through this site. On the other hand you can post your own resume and seek employment. The possibilities are almost endless.

The ease of use also adds to the likability factor of this website. The first thing to do is to choose your location. If you want to post an advertisement regarding a house for sale in a particular city you first need to go the Craigslist city specific page. You will then be asked to pick your category and nature of your classifieds ad. Finally you will have to create a title and description of your ad. The description segment is where you fill out the complete particulars of the classified ad that you want to post. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your post. Once you confirm your post, it will then be posted to the relevant section on the website.

The ability to search by city and category draws in a focused audience to your post. To continue our example, if you have posted your ad for the sale of a house in a particular city, you will find out that home seekers from that city will be drawn to your post and contact you to make their offer. People looking for homes in other cities will most likely not click on your post.

There are several websites who have offered similar services, however Craigslist continues to be one of the market leaders in this industry and commands the lion's share of traffic. Hence if you are looking to post classified ads, you can choose to post it on many sites but Craigslist should be one of the main sites in your arsenal.

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How To Tell If A Fountain Is Right For Your Feng Shui

A common misconception about Feng Shui is that the furniture and decorations must be oriental in order to achieve the desired feng shui energy. The surrounding energy can be manipulated using the furniture you already own no matter where it was manufactured, including a water fountain.

Fountains aren't necessary when using this system, and some claim that fountains impede positive energy by introducing negative energy. However, it has been proven that the gentle sound many fountains produce can help you relax which will in turn produce a more positive energy in the living area.

Fountains and Feng Shui

Water fountains are often used to create a relaxing sound in a quiet environment, and many feng shui enthusiasts state that the sounds water produce can alleviate energy blockages. Also, the white noise created by the fountains can also be used to cover up other less desirable noises. This effect can also create a Catch-22 loop. Louder noises need louder fountains to cover them up, which can then create a negative energy due simply to the amount of sound being produced at all times. In these situations, a fountain may not be the best cure.

Most people think of natural-looking fountains when considering introducing water into an area designed through feng shui. While this is not necessary, fountains that incorporate nature can add to the overall appeal of the fountain. Adding stones, bamboo plants or bonsai trees can bring nature indoors without taking up a lot of room.

Where to Place Your Fountain

Placement of everything is key. It is the belief that by arranging materials, furniture and possessions, one can introduce a balance and positive energy into an environment. By following the bagua, a type of map, users of feng shui can decide where to place objects to receive a desired energy outcome in specific properties of life, such as wealth, health, career, love, etc. The feng shui areas are north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest. Each location has colors and properties associated with it.

To find the ideal placement of your water fountain, it is suggested to map your area with the bagua. This can be done inside or outside, depending on where you would like to place the fountain. Even gardens can be designed with feng shui in mind to keep the balance throughout your entire home. Tabletop and wall fountains are the most popular types of fountains used to create positive energy for a few reasons. Wall fountains are unobtrusive and can be viewed as a piece of art on the wall. They are out of the way while providing the relaxing sound you desire. In clean, uncluttered areas, tabletop fountains can be the perfect centerpiece as they draw in attention while providing the perfect feng shui atmosphere.

How to Feng Shui a Warehouse   Feng Shui: Water-Snake Year 2013-14 Correspondences   

Spam - We Have It, Now How Do We Stop It?

If your stock performance has matched the percentage rise of email spam, you will be retiring soon. The latest indicators are stating that Spam has nearly doubled in the past year alone. It now affects nearly everyone with an email account. Unfortunately for business, it also carries a rising cost in staff, resources and performance. Here are some strategies on how to start your assault on winning back your Inbox.

The Basic Game Plan

We believe there are three essential elements to controlling spam:

Develop an appropriate corporate email usage policy (AUP) Formally educate end users of expectations and consequences Deploy appropriate anti-spam technology

Corporate Email Acceptable Use Policy And User Training

If you have a corporate email system it is critical that you also have an acceptable use policy. A good email policy is essential for making employees aware of corporate rules and standards, giving guidelines on how to handle certain types of email and situations, and to inform employees that their email may be monitored.

While most organizations have email policies, many policies tend to lack detail on how employees can deal with inappropriate email. Regarding spam control, a good email use policy and education program would include at least the following:

Newsletters and online sites. The conditions under which employees can sign up for newsletters, forums, newsgroups and chat rooms - these should be business related and within company guidelines. How to deal with spam and other inappropriate email. A good idea is to have an internal email address where spam or other inappropriate email can be forwarded and monitored by email administrators. How to avoid being listed. Careful use of corporate email addresses is important. Another of the basic rules is not to reply to spam asking to be removed from the list - this will only confirm a valid email address to a spammer.

Once you have an email usage policy, the next key step is to ensure all employees are educated in its contents and are regularly trained in correct email usage and handling.

Remember, the more company email addresses are made available in public areas, the more likely they will be picked up and used by spammers. Corporate email addresses should be used cautiously on the Internet. Company policy and user education is the key!

Deploying An Anti-Spam Technology

The other essential element in controlling spam is the use of anti-spam technology. There are many different technical approaches to blocking spam; message content analysis, and blacklists of known spam and spammers are two examples. A combination of approaches is now necessary to effectively combat spam.

One of the best ways to control spam in an enterprise is to employ a content filtering device between your firewall and your email server. Protecting your email system at the gateway (the point where email enters your organization) will block spam prior to it ever entering your email servers. There are many advantages:

You can block spam before it reaches your email servers and therefore your users Management and software updates can be controlled centrally by an email administrator There is no need to deploy desktop client software or train users on how to use it.

Traits Of An Anti-Spam Solution

A comprehensive tool to control spam needs to be based on an array of functionalities. The two key concepts are detection and management. This should be within the context of an integrated email content management package. An anti-spam system should be positioned as a global solution. It should provide an organization the means to control all email content, including spam, viruses, text, and attachments within a rules-based framework.

With a gateway solution, email can be quarantined, forwarded to administrators, or marked as possible 'spam'. All quarantined email can then be managed centrally from a console. Standard functionality should also provide end users the ability to review and manage spam addressed to them via simple inbox rules.

It is also reasonable to expect an ROI on your choice.


Although effective solutions require multi-faceted approaches, there are integrated technologies available in a single product. Begin your search now and be sure to test the product on your actual environment prior to any final decision. The selection should be effective, easy to use and show a marked reduction in your staff's time fighting spam.

Eliminate Spam   Free Spam Blocker For Emails   What If You Could Get Paid Everytime You Got Spammed in Violation of CAN-SPAM? Would You Do It? Yes   Track Down the Spammer - Search by Email Address   Which Email Client Has the Best Spam Filter?   Take Extra Precautions and Stop Spam   

Investing In American Eagle Gold

A coin made from a precious metal such as gold, silver or platinum and kept as a store of value is called a bullion coin. These coins are available in different weights, usually in multiples of 1 troy ounce, which is a unit used for measuring precious metals and gemstones. Some heavier versions of these coins are also produced by government mints. The official gold coin of the United States is called American Eagle Gold.

It all started in 1985, when the Gold Bullion Act authorized the Gold. It was in the very next year that the United States Mint first released these coins in gold and silver. However, the platinum version of the American Eagle came into existence only in 1997. There are four denominations in which the gold and platinum coins are available. These are one-ounce, one-half ounce, one-quarter ounce and one-tenth ounce. The Eagle Silver bullion coin can be obtained only in the one ounce size.

Many investors are looking at bullion coins in general and the American Eagle in particular as a convenient and cost effective way of investing in the precious metals market. These are being purchased by first time investors wanting an easy and tangible means to incorporate platinum, silver or gold in their portfolios.

According to the United States Mint, what makes these bullion coins distinct from others in the same category is their government backing. The United States Government guarantees the weight, content and purity of these coins; no wonder the American Eagle bullion coins are accepted in all the major investment markets worldwide. The gold used in the manufacture is mined in the United States which enhances liquidity and makes these gold bullions more tradable.

A small premium is added to the market price of the gold or silver to arrive at the value of American Eagle bullion coins. This premium is added to accommodate coinage and distribution costs. One can purchase these coins from major coin and precious metals dealers, brokerage houses and banks.

The bullion coins often sell at a premium over the market price on the commodities exchange. This is because of the costs associated with storing and distributing the coins, despite their small size. The premium would typically depend upon the prevailing demand scenario, the type of coin and its weight.

There are some factors one would need to keep in mind before investing in American Eagle Gold coins.

Understand the difference

Before buying, one must clearly understand the difference between bullion coins and rare antique coins. The grade, rarity, historical significance and dealers' margin would typically affect the value of antique coins. Unlike bullion coins, they cannot be taken as legal tenders.

Research well

The best way to buy gold bullion is from authorized dealers and brokers. You can check the track records of the brokerage firms you are acquiring your American Eagle gold bullion from. Ask for the return policy of the vendor. The best option would always be to buy directly from the mint.

Another good practice would be to compare the prices offered in the market before zeroing in on any broker. This way, you would be able to select a broker who can offer you the best premiums in gold or silver bullions.

Counterfeit Coin Detection - 4 Ways to Initially Spot a Counterfeit Coin (and Avoid Being Taken)   How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   

Purchase of Gold And Silver - Find The Best Deals

Generally, people look for ways to earn some extra money than their regular income and this sort of attitude is widely seen particularly in the current recession situation. In addition to earning extra income, they are also looking for good options to invest the money in a profitable arena that can earn good returns. One such investment method followed by large group of people is to buy gold silver. This is because the value of these metals is always increasing and investing in them will surely bring about a great return on investment. Some of the points to be considered for getting a good deal on these metals are given below:

Before investing in them, it is better to do some research about the current situation prevailing in the market since the costs of these metals are constantly changing at least once in a day. This is because the share market value also has an influence on the cost of these metals these days. Different resources can be used for finding this information and there are many online websites and periodicals that keep their rates updating as and when there is a change. People can also visit some reliable websites offering newest information about current trends in the gold and silver market.

Some people wish to buy gold silver in ornamental form and even though the value of these ornaments will also increase, when reselling them some damage and making charges will have to be incurred by the purchaser. On the other hand, when they are purchased in the form of coins, there will not be any such deductions and the purchaser will be able to get full value for their precious metal according to the rate prevailing in the market on the date of sales. Like coins, bars made out of these metals can also be purchased and they also do not reduce in value.

Even though, there are a number of land stores offering these metals in bar or coin form, it is essential that they should be purchased from a reliable source for ensuring that they can offer the right type of return to the investor. Nowadays, these precious metals are sold online as well and before purchasing from a company offering them online, it is better to check the credibility of the firm for ensuring that the right product will be delivered.

So, if you are planning to invest your hard-earned money, why not consider purchase of gold or silver? Even though, they are costlier, they can offer a great return on investment.

Counterfeit Coin Detection - 4 Ways to Initially Spot a Counterfeit Coin (and Avoid Being Taken)   How to Know Where to Buy Gold   What It Means to Start Investing in Gold   Guidelines For Investments In Silver   Buying World Coins With Confidence - (Do You Desire More Information on the Coins You Love?)   

Iron Mike and Boxing KOed

Sometimes, athletes can be extremely annoying to the average fan. It gets to the point that their freakish nature becomes more intriguing than watching them compete. Take the following pathetic account, for example.

Iron Mike Tyson . Let that name resonate for just one moment. In the mid 1980s and some of the '90s, Iron Mike Tyson made boxing the most exciting sport in the world -- even to non-boxing fans. This kid with the sheepish smile and Swarzeneggar body was an absolute fury inside the boxing ring. The youngest heavyweight champ ever, Tyson burst onto the scene with fists that could knock down walls and a interviews that could put a smile on Yogi Berra's face.

After a prison term for a rape conviction, Tyson became less of a devastating fighter and more of a freak. One minute he was crashing his car and walking away from it, the next he was denying raping a young girl but saying he wished he had, then he was nawing on Evander Holyfield's ear in a failed attempt to regain boxing prominence. Finally, after countless run-ins with the law, Tyson was pummeled into submission in one last title shot by Lennox Lewis, a champ who had run out of quality opponents.

There was a time that we all learned to love Tyson. Soon, we learned to hate him. And, in the end, many would pity him.

After squandering a 400 million fortune and claiming bankruptcy, Tyson decided to escape his demons and try to get some of his glory and a few of those lost millions back. He would fight again, after several years of recovery from the beating he suffered from Lewis.

Finally, an overweight, too old Tyson, lacking the skills he once had, took yet another beating -- this time at the hands of an unknown journeyman named Danny Williams. Knocked out in the fourth round, Tyson was left to ponder a dark future. His own trainer suggested that Tyson's journey must come to an end.

For nearly two decades, Mike Tyson has saved boxing from completely drowning in its own pool of greed, malevolence, and awful boxers. Whether he was decimating an opponent with the most powerful punches in history or boggling our minds with his strange behavior, Tyson awed virtually everyone who watched him or read about him. He did what all sportsmen should do -- he kept us entertained.

Now, with his latest defeat, Tyson and boxing are both beaten. And all we can do is hope for the next freak to get here soon.

Iron Mike and Boxing KOed   Success Lessons From Boxing   Boxing Sparing Robots Needed   Success Tips From Boxing   

Iron Mike and Boxing KOed

Sometimes, athletes can be extremely annoying to the average fan. It gets to the point that their freakish nature becomes more intriguing than watching them compete. Take the following pathetic account, for example.

Iron Mike Tyson . Let that name resonate for just one moment. In the mid 1980s and some of the '90s, Iron Mike Tyson made boxing the most exciting sport in the world -- even to non-boxing fans. This kid with the sheepish smile and Swarzeneggar body was an absolute fury inside the boxing ring. The youngest heavyweight champ ever, Tyson burst onto the scene with fists that could knock down walls and a interviews that could put a smile on Yogi Berra's face.

After a prison term for a rape conviction, Tyson became less of a devastating fighter and more of a freak. One minute he was crashing his car and walking away from it, the next he was denying raping a young girl but saying he wished he had, then he was nawing on Evander Holyfield's ear in a failed attempt to regain boxing prominence. Finally, after countless run-ins with the law, Tyson was pummeled into submission in one last title shot by Lennox Lewis, a champ who had run out of quality opponents.

There was a time that we all learned to love Tyson. Soon, we learned to hate him. And, in the end, many would pity him.

After squandering a 400 million fortune and claiming bankruptcy, Tyson decided to escape his demons and try to get some of his glory and a few of those lost millions back. He would fight again, after several years of recovery from the beating he suffered from Lewis.

Finally, an overweight, too old Tyson, lacking the skills he once had, took yet another beating -- this time at the hands of an unknown journeyman named Danny Williams. Knocked out in the fourth round, Tyson was left to ponder a dark future. His own trainer suggested that Tyson's journey must come to an end.

For nearly two decades, Mike Tyson has saved boxing from completely drowning in its own pool of greed, malevolence, and awful boxers. Whether he was decimating an opponent with the most powerful punches in history or boggling our minds with his strange behavior, Tyson awed virtually everyone who watched him or read about him. He did what all sportsmen should do -- he kept us entertained.

Now, with his latest defeat, Tyson and boxing are both beaten. And all we can do is hope for the next freak to get here soon.

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Why It Is Important to Hire a Lead Abatement Contractor

People are generally very cautious about the things for which they spend their money. Most individuals try to avoid any kind of unnecessary expense, however, when it comes to lead poisoning, people are willing to spend the money to get the problem fixed. There are only two options which can be opted; one is to get rid of the lead poisoning or the second is to get sick. Both are terrible in their own way and the most sensible option is to preserve your health and get rid of the lead. You can get this problem fixed by hiring yourself a lead abatement contractor.

In the past, lead was not seen to be such a terrible problem. This however was before contractors began to find it in people's homes within the wall paint and in the water pipes. Slowly and significantly people began to suffer from lead poisoning, babies in particular due to their habit of peeling off paint from walls and eating it. With such cases coming into the limelight, manufacturers decided that lead was not an ingredient which could be used in paints and hence its usage stopped. However before this decision was made, a number of houses were painted with lead paint. Newer houses today which contain old pipelines in them also suffer from the same problem. It is at this point when a lead abatement contractor is the best solution. You must call a lead abatement contractor who has a good history of dealing with these problems and has been successful in getting rid of the problem. If you are opting for a lead abatement contractor from a particular firm, it is always a good idea to find out how authentic and genuine the company really is.

Before you opt for a particular lead abatement contractor, try getting referrals from friends and family who had lead paint removed from their homes. Once you have a list of recommended lead abatement contractors, find out their rates. If certain rates are not within your budget, negotiate and try bringing them down. If you feel that the lead abatement contractor is charging you a high fee, say that you feel so. At times, different companies charge a lower price for the same service and the reasons for a company charging a higher rate might be to cover up the cost of irrelevant factors such as costs related to advertisement. A good way of comparing the rates of a lead abatement contractor or company is by making a list of pros and cons for each option. Give the highest score to the best lead abatement contractor / company. This way, once you have finished, you will have a clear idea of which lead abatement contractor you would like to opt for.

If you do not know anyone who has gotten the services of a lead abatement, you could always do your research on the internet. This way you will also be lucky enough to find a contractor nearby and will have an idea of what to expect when you actually meet up with the contractor / company. By doing so, you will also have enough time to prepare any questions which you may need to ask and any clarifications which you might need. Once you have done your research and thoroughly aware of what you need to know when it comes to finding yourself the right abatement contractor, you can begin your search. Make sure that the contractor is one who offers value for money in terms of the services. At the end of the day, yours and your family's safety is what is most important and you should get the best for them.

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Painting Tips So The Job Looks Great

Painting can be a down right difficult, and tedious task to accomplish, but it is a great way to save on home improvements. A coat of paint can instantly transform a room, and make a totally new space in your home. Fresh paint livens up a room, and makes it feel fresh and clean. Follow these tips if you are taking on a painting project.

Something that you must do when you are painting, and it is often over-looked is taking your time. At first painting can seem like an easy task, but it is very meticulous. Take the time to properly tape down the floor boards, and the molding. Apply the paint onto the walls evenly, and gentle spread it out. If you don't take the time to do it properly it looks sloppy, and it is easily noticeable.

One of the first things you should do when you are painting is to thoroughly clean the surface. A lot of times there is sanding, and spackling happening, and even if there isn't there can still be a lot of dust and dirt on the walls. This will cause drips in the paint, and bumps on your walls. Take the few minutes before you apply the primer to sweep the walls for dirt and dust. If you invest in a good quality paint your walls will look great for years.

Something you must consider when you are taking on a painting project is how big the job is. Know your limits! Even if you have the skills to get the job done, you might not have the equipment. If it is an exterior painting jobs, a commercial project, or just a room with high ceilings, consider calling a professional. Without the right equipment the job will take much longer, not look as good, and could potentially be dangerous.

A great way to save money on paint is going to a local thrift shop, hardware store, or Habitat for Humanity, and seeing if they have opened cans. A lot of times people will apply a small amount,and realize it isn't the color they were looking for. Some stores will call these "oops" cans, but they can mean more savings in your pocket. This tip works best if you are painting a small area, because it can be hard to find two mistakes that are the same color.

When you are painting a room in your house it is best to use a primer. It is a necessity for walls that are a dark color, especially when they are going to a lighter color. Investing the time and money into a primer will leave a room looking like a professionally did it. Walls that are primed not only look better, they are also better protected from fading, and stains.

When you finish your painting job you should always write down what brand and color you used. This makes it nice and easy when you want to just freshen it up perhaps in a few years. When I moved into my new home the previous homeowner had neatly organize paint cans, and wrote which paint was used where. Most of the cans were empty, but it made it really easy to repaint a few rooms. If we hadn't known the colors we would have had to of started from the beginning.

If you are taking on a painting project it is always nice to get the job done fast, but it is more important to get it done right. If you take the time to properly prepare the space, and you invest in the proper tools it can go a lot smoother. The job will be completed faster, and it will look better, which is the goal of every painter.

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Putting Color Into the Outdoors

Whether you are searching for a basic upgrade to your outdoor area or are looking at refurbishing an area, is the ability to create and develop the right approaches with paints. There are different alternatives that are available for every type of material, all which help you to create the perfect outdoor look. If you are getting ready to upgrade your fence, then looking at alternatives such as fence stain can help you to create the right effects while providing you with a better tint in the outdoors.

The fence stain that is available is divided by specific mixtures and looks that can be used in the outdoors. There are a variety of options that are available with the stains, all which provide more options for painting. This is inclusive of stains that are used specifically for wood or other types of materials. You may also find specialized options for weathering protection and needed alternatives for the right texture. Combining these together can help you to get the perfect look and feel to the outdoors.

Not only can you look at the weathering and the materials that are required. You can also consider the options and mixtures for extra additions. For instance, the Krylon spray paint that is available can help you to get the right option for the indoors or outdoors. Many will use this for fences as well as other outdoor areas. There are also specialized mixtures that are used for different needs with the indoors. By finding the right alternative, you can easily begin to paint with the perfect look to your home.

The Krylon spray paint that is available is known for a variety of characteristics and qualities. The drying time is usually 10 minutes or less to any surface area. The paint is also known for the thicker texture and durability that it holds. This allows the paint to last for a longer period of time while providing you with the right looks and colors for every situation. You can use the paint to create a smooth look while keeping the needed strength and durability for any outdoor or indoor area.

If you are trying to enhance any area of your home, then looking at paints and stains can help you to create the perfect look. There are a variety of mixtures you can look into, all which add into any area of your home or outdoor area. Looking at spray paints or stains can help you to find the right texture, color and overall look for any area you are interested in upgrading.

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